Casey Kemper Art

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Elementary Art Lessons March 30th - April 3rd

Hi! I hope everyone had a great spring break. The past few days there have been many signs of the spring season coming. I will be sharing art lessons and activities on this blog post for the coming weeks. For the lessons we are going to keep the supplies simple so please feel free to use any materials. All the videos will also be on my YouTube channel. I plan on adding ideas throughout the week so keep checking in!

I really have enjoyed illustrator Carson Ellis’s Quarantine Art Club challenges. I did a few myself over spring break. She posts on her website and instagram account during the weekdays.

One of my favorite signs of the arrival of spring is the return of the sandhill cranes. I’ve included a video about their amazing migration. Follow along my YouTube video to make your own Sandhill Crane landscape drawing. Focus on the vocabulary FOREGROUND, MIDDLE GROUND, BACKGROUND, and HORIZON LINE. Have Fun!

Artfully! Mr. Kemper

Have a wonderful weekend! Excited to share more lessons next week with everyone!