Zurich, Switzerland


Travel is typically romanticized but can also be boring and miserable.  When my wife and I planned our trip to Thailand we had two choices: travel west or east from Chicago to the other side of the world.  Plane tickets were comparable in cost either way.  Excited about the possibility of two long layovers in Zurich, Switzerland, we went east.  The flight to Zurich was smooth; we watched movies, read books, ate Swiss chocolate and had multiple steamy towels.  We landed in Zurich in the morning morning.

Making our way groggily through the airport, we headed into town via subway through the airport terminals.  Along the way cowbells and loud yodelling were heard on the train’s speakers.  I was quickly reminded in the packed car surround by people not speaking English that we are in Europe!  My wife spoke broken French to a man next to us, asking for directions.  He tries his best but struggles.  Once she translates in English for me, we laugh realizing he is fluent in English.  I am happily surprised he didn’t think we were Americans, maybe we were already blending in.  It’s astonishing how many languages Europeans can speak.  It’s humbling for me, just knowing English poorly.

We arrive near Lake Zurich.  The rain is coming down hard.  The original plan was to take a boat ride around the lake.  Everything is closed and packed away.  We take shelter under a building.  The amount of wealth is easy to see.  Commuters drive luxury cars down the main streets that would easily cost six figures in USD.  I scrambled for plan B, and we head along the river to explore shops.  

Most the shops were closed because it was too early in the morning.   We found a coffee shop and got some pastries and cappuccinos.  I was soaked and we were both tired.  After a half an hour we decided to regroup and explore the city some more.  The rain was just drizzling.  Unfortunately since it was a Monday, most of the museums were closed.  Another disappointment in my travel planning.  

One bright moment in the late morning was visiting the Grossmunster Church.  The ionic two towers are a center point in the city’s architecture.  We climb the narrow steps that smell of old wood to the top for a panoramic view.  It’s windy and raining but exciting and surreal.  Following the high of something actually being open, we walk along the streets near the river.  Suddenly the urge to pee comes on strong.  I had forgotten how hard it can be to find a restroom in Europe.  In pain and searching, I was becoming desperate.  I ran into a restaurant and sprinted downstairs and found one.  This is a huge no-no because restrooms are reserved for customers only, but I catch I break as I sneak back outside.  

Making our way through town, we both are exhausted.  We have been awake more than 24 hours with only a brief nap on the plane. I am frustrated and disappointed with myself for my poor planning.  We stop inside a university building and I pout on the stairs.  My wife gives me a break as a pull my moodiness together… I look at the positives and focus on that we are on vacation in Europe!  Picking my head up, we find a small beer hall that features a variety of Swiss beers.  After drinking pints, we decided it's time to head back to the airport.  At the airport, we eat the most expensive meal of our entire trip.  Over 20 dollars USD at Burger King for two chicken tender meals… I was ready to leave Zurich.


On the return back from Bangkok, we made the decision for our 14 hour, overnight layover not to venture into town.  Since drinking large pints a beer worked out well previously to pass time, we made our way to the airport bar.  Unfortunately the bar was closing early on this particular weeknight, 11:30pm to be exact.  We slugged down some beers and quickly became the only patrons left beside one man, an Australian in his 30s traveling to Las Vegas.  He told me he was professional gambler and making his way to Las Vegas to play at the high rolling tables.  I think I could write a book just based off the people you meet at airports.  But we had another 10 hours in the airport..

The bartender gave us multiple free Swiss pretzels as he cleans up and closes for the night.  We make our way to see if we can get a bed in one of the terminals for overnight guests.  As we arrived, it looks like the guy from Australia had gotten the last one.  I wouldn't want to pay the overpriced fee anyway.  We make our bed on the uncomfortable chairs.  I pull out a blanket I stole from the airline.  I was preparing for the worst when I had done this.  The blonde Swiss flight attendant was shocked but did not say anything as I stuffed it in my backpack.  We huddle up for the night as we use the airport’s complementary two hours per device of wifi.  The night is long, really long, but another lesson. Think carefully when planning international trips with long layovers…